Tuesday, May 6, 2008


needles..into my body - have never been fond of that thought...

Last night, it was my very 1st experience with accupuncture. It was rather unplanned for.. Sean sprained his neck on Sunday and was complaining of stiffness right after school. So LeeLee planned to take him to Jalan Gasing for an urut...

it was 1920hrs, LeeLee got home and sean jumped into the car, she asked if i wanted to tag along. i agreed and after a quick visit to the toilet, we were on the way there. Traffic was a breeze. So was the Clinic... it was rather empty.

With the sharp pain on my left shoulder and elbow at certain angle/strenght, i have decided to urut too... but the nurse said accupuncture will be more effective for me. I agreed and had to sign a "agreement to treatment" form and given a number 56 tag.

In less than 5mins, my number was called. Entered this room that has 4 treatment beds on each corner. Was asked to remove my shirt and lie down. Soon the sinseh came in, he reminds me abit of "low foo chee". we chatted abit about my background.. he feels my arm and diagnosed that its the nerve that troubled me. He asked if i had accupunture treatment before... replied NO. he reassured me that theres nothing to worry about and started to poke needles into my elbow, arm, shoulder and upperback.

Then the nurse took over and started to wire me to this litte controller box. She then asked me to turn the knobs for the 'electrocution' to start. So... I was suppose to control how much I can take... started conservatively... and over time, increased the voltage. It lasted about 10mins.

In summary, it wasnt as bad as i anticipated, and it really felt good after the treatment. I was given a pack of 8 tablets to take over the next 2 days. Then will have to visit them again. Treatment was not too expensive, for me and Sean, cost us RM38.