Saturday, September 18, 2010

be a Dad when you still can...

was talking to a close fren lately and subject of parenting came up...
when i thought of the subject "be a dad when u still can"... it put a tear in my eye!

why? coz i realize... in a year or two, Sean won't want to be seen with this old man!!! it wont be cool... he will rather be with his teenage frens.

what can i do? that's life... when they are young, they'll stick to u like glue (and usually parents will hope they have extra space from kids). Then when they grow, the bond will dissapear and kids grow apart from parents and be with frens (could it be because parents always give the impression they want be alone?).

short term plan - spend as much quality time with sean as i can. be involve with his activities more..

long term plan - create a mutual liking for a hobby or involve him in my hobbies and groom him to be more attached to me.

hope it works... he's my only son, and i wouldn't want to "lose" him to the reality...

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