Thursday, April 21, 2011

grown up??

i was surprised to be removed from my "kiddo"'s friend list in facebook...

is he grown up and it's uncool to have your dad in your fb friend list? or is it that there are things he doesn't want his old man to see? many questions, only he knows the real answer...

asked him about it... he said accidentally deleted!! ya, right... how can removing someone from list be accidental? you have to go to the person's profile, scroll down to bottom, click on a small word "unfriend" that's on the bottom left of the page. so how to accidentally???

well, i guess there comes a time, when someone gains the age or experience, you are no longer cool to them... and unwanted too... sad, why cant people be humble and modest... a friend once say and i would like to quote "always modest. Some times, some things are best kept under the carpet. Then we will value your friendship more..."

well, life goes on....

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