Wednesday, April 6, 2011

why BMW R1200GS...

it started with a ride to Awana Kijal on my VFR800. the ride was long and was raining heavily. our planned arrival was supposed to be before sunset, however with the rain we arrived way passed 8pm...

after a quick shower, we went downstairs to have dinner... and my hands were so tired that i couldn't hold chopsticks with my fingers and ended up using a fork to eat noodles!!! it was then, i realized that alot of my weight is on my wrist riding the VFR.

immediately after the ride, i was already looking for solutions to long rides. and the options are - to install helibars on VFR OR change to a more comfortable bike for Long Rides.

 sample of helibar on VFR800

Helibars - will raise the handlebar to a higher position where riding position will be a lot more comfortable. example will be like the VFRs used by our Police Bike force. it was a quick solution for my long rides but i dread the look of the VFR with the modification... its just not meant to be like that!!!

More comfortable bikes - options were filtered to a few bikes namely, Kawa GTR 1400, BMW R1200RT & BMW R1200GS. All of them priced at RM115k plus minus. 

Kawasaki GTR 1400

BMW R1200GS Adventure

Weighing all 3 options... after a visit to Sunvay Cycle & AB Bukit Bintang
1. Kawa - awesome power, good looks but somehow i couldn't get used to the riding position and cockpit. Rejected...
2. RT - handsome, comfort and shortlisted
3. GS - rugged, nice riding position and shortlisted too

Brand new BMWs were not available due to shortage of stocks. 2 options were presented to me by the SC in AB, a used RT for 98k and a used GS for the same price of 98k. both are less than 1 year old.

in my mind, i have decided on the GS and wanted an R1200 GS Adventure!! the SC then told me that for my size, the GSA will become a burden to me after a few hundred KMs due to its size and weight. i bought his explanation... hence started looking at the used GS.

it was blue in color, 525km on the trip, 11 months old... after a quick look at the bike at the owner's hse in saujana, i decided!!! a week later the bike was in my posession!!! :)

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