Wednesday, April 6, 2011

am yearning for a longggg ride...

3 of my friends are set to go on a journey of a lifetime (for now, till new ambitions and funds) of 30 days on a biking adventure.. to indochina.

this has got me wondering when i am able to do the same... leave the job & family behind for such a long time and just go touring, just me, my GS & a few good riding buddies..

i AM yearning to ride... long and far... maybe, its my way of relaxation, peace and away from reality for some alone time. for now, i'll have to settle for my weekend rides and hopefully, i'll be able to join my friends when they are on their homeward bound route in a month's time...

Bon Voyage... my friends (Capt Nik, mustakim & ivan slowee)
have a great trip, may it be joyous, fun, smooth & safe...


  1. Its never the same without you my riding buddy & friend... I am sorry having to go without you but I guess its my only window period when I would set aside everything and be selfish for this epic journey in my life.

    I like the part of "joining my friends on their homeward bound route..".. I sincerely hope that can happen!!

    Focus.. while am away and don't miss me too much.

    God bless !!

  2. Ivan... i will focus!! :)

    for you.. just go out there, feel & smell the air on my behalf... i am sure we WILL ride together again.. and i DO hope to catch you guys on your homeward bound route, just keep us posted on your itenerary and i'll plan on my end.

    missing you ady... take care my fren...
