Friday, April 15, 2011

Riding Buddies

on a long ride, riding buddies are your companion, entertainer, helper... thru good and bad times, we will always laugh about it afterwards... it's always best to travel with buddies that understand each other, doesn't pre-judge and have the same objectives in the ride..

for me, i am not political and always prefers to be neutral in situations that require me to choose sides... :)

the bond with your ride buddy is important to ensure a safe ride... a simple and clear example is... are you comfortable to ride side by side another rider on a clear road? if the answer is no, then there's no bond between you and him/her...

another discipline in a convoy, if another rider is following behind you, do you worry that he might hit you if you swerve to avoid a pothole? if you do, again.. no bond..

you should be able to ride without such worries in mind... focus on the front rider and don't give him the same worry you have about the rider behind.. :)

here are some of my ride buddies that i have faith in... (many other but just haven't had the opportunity to do long rides with) kekeke....

 Ivan Slowee
Jeffrey Teh
 Capt Nik

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