Wednesday, January 16, 2008


had bbq last nite...

it has been quite awhile since i have had bbq. the idea started as a new year get-together for my office staff (sales dept), i have not sat down with them to chat, unwind, joke etc for a long time now. so, the decision was to have it on the 15th Jan, and to include our volvo colleagues as well.

Chris, with his passion for food (amongst other things...) has been elected as the food specialist for this bbq. i will supply all the 'hard' equipments as well as drinks. the rest are just to attend and help out on the day. a final head count on Tues morning was 20pax.

by 1830hrs, chris was in Ampang ady for the setup, i on the other hand had just finished an outside meeting at 1800hrs. had to rush to get ice & charcoal. chris called while i was at the grocery shop "terry, can u get a crate of eggs?", i said "sure...(pause) huh? eggs? for wat? bbq la..!" chris was determined that he wanted the eggs so i didnt question further. filled the icebox with ice and beers as soon as i got them (so that i can gulp down a cold beer when i arrive back at office ma...) arrived office 11mins passed 7pm. most of the guys are ady there. immediately all hands on deck... to start fire, to unload icebox, another crate of beers and the paper plates.

everyone took up their role... almost like the production line in Proton assembly instantaneous and magical. boy... we are like pros la... chris was preparing the lamb shank and steak, joe & nicholas was building the fire, raheme & i prep the drinks, adrian & eddy was snapping photos, april with the utensils, some setting up table etc..

sound of beers cans being open was heard almost in every corner of the space that i was at.. it was a the start of a long...night.

chris was preparing, joe was cooking and the rest... waiting! and drinking... have fried beehoon for those who are hungry...most of us are. later i found out what the eggs are for... it was cooked on a flat pan with loads of sliced sausages, wild mushroom and pinch of pepper... it turnout to be a hot favorite with everyone. in summary, we had lamb, steak, beehoon, the omellete thingy, whole sausage, beer and wine. then i overheard a comment "where are the chicken wings?' :-)

i guess a bbq will not be complete without chicken wings huh....

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