Saturday, January 12, 2008

old love... re-ignited?

a friend from Penang called me today... and told me that he's arriving Sunway Extreme Park in the next 30 mins.. @1045hrs

how it started... when i was back in Penang for my School's 20th Anniversay gathering, i brought back loads of Jetski magazines to Francis. since then, he has been calling me for advice on his JetSki 550... i told him not to waste so much time and money on the 550. he can have my 750 if he wants it. couple of days later, he called again for opinion. apparently, there's a near stock 750 for sale.. RM8k! i told him it will be a good buy if below 6k. that was it... till this morning.

I managed to get by the park at 1400hrs after work... parked Pajero next to his Brat and walked towards a very nicely built office made of wood and glass.. there he was with Ron discussing JetSki... there I saw HER! what a beauty! All tis time I have only read about her in magazines and had some glimpse of her in pics. this was for real... she was right in front of me, i was speechless and could almost feel the saliva running down the edge of my lips. she is the Kawasaki JetSki SXR 800.

The last time i rode on a jetski was about a year ago when Francis brought his 550 for me to do some setting and tuning. We met in Sg Buloh Esso before heading to Kundang lake.

Coming back to the beauty... in magazines, she's highly rated for her beauty, her moves, her handling, her power and the ability to do 60miles/hour (out of the box) without any modifications or add ons. she's priced at USD5,999 and was told by Ron that Kawasaki Sunrock is willing to import it in with a condition of a minimum order of 5 units. they have quoted the price of RM27k for her. She's also available in Thailand for RM32k.

If only... there's a place for me to store and play with her, i would have commited to her there and then! the memories i had riding 1 is still fresh in my mind, the time spent by the lake with buddies. riding, chatting, drinking etc is just too good to just remain as memory. I want to re-live that moment wit tis gal next to me.. hmm...

1 comment:

  1. (",) heehehe...the way u describe dat machine is like a "Ham Sap Low".. got me worried for abit there. Cute tho. By the way..r u still salivating over it? Cheerio..

