Monday, January 14, 2008

Reminisce on 2007... what a year!

2007... I would like to remember tis year as the "most" challenging year to-date, exciting, happy, solemn, naughty, nice, satisfaction, rewarding, failures, ups, downs, etc etc etc... u name it, I experienced it... physically!

well, after all the experiences that i have encountered, I am proud to declare that it has made me stronger than ever, a better person to be and to be with... have a friend who shared and taught me this... life is short, live it to the fullest and stay happy.
I have travelled well in 2007... was in Sweden in Feb, Japan in Oct, Korea & China in Dec. And of course loads of local travels too... islands will be Langkawi, Pangkor, Redang, Penang & Singapore too. on land, have travelled thousands of kilometers from the north to the south. I guess this must be the year that I have slept in the MOST unfamiliar beds.

as for Gadgets, emm... I got the Nokia 9300 (it was just to familiarise myself with the communicator, today... it is lying in it's box waiting for time to re-emerge), got 2 phones from my China trip, a replica of the hay-days of 'tai-ko-tai' and the latest TV tuner enabled phone. 2007 also saw me buying my 1st scanner, a printer, RAM upgrades for my laptop, newer GPS, iPod Touch, a RC Suzuki Swift and update of my PSP to play 'local' games. am sure i have left out a few... am known to those who knows me as mr. gadget, so not surprised to have missed naming some of them and also not knowing where they are now!

biggest investment in 2007 must be my bike! but... am not complaining, heheheh... linked to the bike, have also invested in safety gears, maintenance and GPS too... now, how i wish these investments can bring some monetory returns... dream on boy... on the other hand, the returns i have received is something money can't buy... so am happy! so, ride on...

career wise, got a promotion and a transfer to the VW division of Wearnes Automotive Sdn Bhd. Being in Volvo for the past 12 year has worned me down and with the change, it has revived a part of me and has kept me going.

as for relationship/friendship - emm... let's see... ups & downs, some came, some went, it's like a roller coaster ride... hang on... and you will be alrite. In this area, i've learnt to give and take depending on situation. lost an auntie & a biker friend in 2007.

emm... this post seems to be getting alittle longer than expected... here's a commercial break for those needing to go for a pee-break... just make sure you come back for more :-)

welcome back!

2007 also saw some home improvement... my fishes gets a nicer place to stay in c/w filter, my garden got 'renovated', roof has a face-lift with coats of waterproofing paint, ehh... oya.. living & dining gets to shed off it's old Terrazo for brand new 2x2 feet tiles. dining area now dons a ceiling fan instead of the wall fan. all these, makes my little nest called home more comfortable for the whole family.

my health... let's see... emm... had a scare in 2007, was sweating in middle of nite, to the extend of having to change baju... got worried and went for check-up.. medic diagnosed me as stress! also suggested a blood test... was nervous when collecting the result, but all's well. lost 5kgs tis year, from 70 to 65kgs. now maintaining 66. Apart from that 2007 is a healthy year for me.

what else leh??? emm...ah hah... another milestone will be my dressing... for work, change from plain colored shirt to striped color shirts & colorful ties. it actually helps to maintain the cheerfulness in you... if you haven't, TRY it! as for off work... my baju, gone down 1 size... heheheh...not that I have lost a tonne in weight, but i now prefer slightly fitted size. 2007 is also the year where i discovered boxers shorts (i think... or was it in 2006).

as for my transport, i have changed from a Volvo S60 to VW Touran to VW Golf Plus to VW Passat and into a Touareg. Recently, changed to a Passat again. given a choice to pick for everyday use, I will pick the Passat anytime. my pajero remains as my weekend/recreational car.

to end 2007, attended a Class of 1987 20th anniversary gathering in Penang Palm Beach Hotel on Dec 29th. here, met friends that have not met for 20 years... a nice time machine, i would say..

There... my 2007! sweet & has made me better! :-)

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