Friday, January 18, 2008


It's past lunch time now... and I AM hungry!

naturally, thought of food comes to mind but cant leave as yet... recollecting all the thoughts of good food that i have had, here's some to share.

i love seafood... especially those with shell and pinchers! amongst the good ones i had, are in klang, kl, sg.renggit and penang. here in picture to the right is a pair of mantis prawns (lobster??) whatever they are called, i like it. the size of these sea creature varies. the smallest one 1 had was about 8" in size and the largest is a whopping 15". to eat it is an art by itself, unlike any other prawns or lobsters or crabs. tis, you have to peel from the tail towards its head and the meat will be extracted perfectly. otherwise, you dont get to enjoy it as a whole. it may be difficult to imagine how to "peel" it... so to satisfy yr curosity, give me a buzz... i'll gladly demonstrate :-)

on the left, are actually raw lobster's meat served on aluminium foils, underneath the foils...Ice! to have these, you'll need chopsticks (fork & spoon doesnt do it well) peel them off the aluminium foil, dip it into japanese soya sauce mixed with wasabi and into your mouth. emmm... nice cold raw lobster meat... sweet by itself and tainted with soya sauce/wasabi is the taste of a lifetime to remember! below is a macro shot of the flesh...

with the remaining portion of the 1.5kg lobster, the rest of flesh and shell went on to be served as teochew porridge. watery and tasty.. it's more like rice being served in the lobster soup. tis dish, you'll get to enjoy different variety of satisfaction.

one; the soup... emm,emm... sweeten from the lobster, two; the rice and cooked meat will fill you up, three; the shell, will challenge you to get every little bits of meat embedded inside into your lips and watering mouth! all tis have to be done at leisure, otherwise, you would not enjoy the fantastic meal. ahh... another tip, this has to be done with the company of someone who love and enjoy lobster like you do... dont want anyone to hassle you to gulp the food down and move on... to compliment it, i always like to have my or-kau with lobster... kinda add sweetness to the bitter taste of a good stout.

burppp... (oopps, excuse me..)... :-)

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