Sunday, January 13, 2008

sunday!! yee harr.. says the lone rider..

or so i thought... I intentionally left home abit late.. to miss the pack of riders that i knew would meet @0900hrs in Mobil. as usual, i wanted to ride at my own pace and not being presured or to presure any others..

the day started with the sudden jolt springing up from the bed... thinking that i was late and the alarm clock has failed me. but no..i was up 10 mins earlier. so i started with a bike wash, then to wash up and gear up in my own sweet time. even managed to sip down a cup of nescafe before going out. left home @0900hrs. a quick stop at BHP to top-up my fuel tank and off i go heading for Ulu Yam via federal highway, mt kiara, jln kuching, batu cave, batu dam and ulu yam. saw 2 bikes in mobil and gave out a sigh of relief as i have missed the main group.

as i stopped at a traffic light after batu caves, the scenery of batu dam lake flashed thru my mind and a smile broke on my face, i was looking forward to ride today! as i was riding thru the traffic in the village area, a biker rode passed me (i looked over to "greet" but to my dismay... he buat tak-tau snobbish), nvrm... then he turned into Petronas and there i saw a big group there... in my mind... "sigh... there goes my ride". to make things worst, as i turned into the ulu yam road, another group was waiting after the junction (this is the FAST group, V.Rossi), at this juncture, i said "deng... so much for lone rider..."

not that i am anti-social... just that i love to ride at my own pace, feeling the wind, the bike and myself in my rides. i feel that riding in a pack can at times, create some peer preasure and resulting in unwanted results.

i was overtaken by 6 or 7 fast riders in the 1st few turns, knee sliding as they passed me... gosh, they are daring and good! as i was taking the turns towards the breathtaking view that i mentioned earlier, i was flagged to slow down by a guy by the roadside... at the turn that reveals the sight, there were some filming underway... traffic is slow at this point.. after this, speed picks up to it's normal pace but i was troubled by the few things that didnt go my way and the few sad news in the past month kept haunting me. i remained very careful...

heading for awana after ulu yam was smooth until getting many flashes from oncoming cars... i wondered what could be wrong... police? jpj? tis was answered... by an lone biker by the road flagging me to slow while shouting "jatuh! jatuh!", turning the left bend reveals that a rider had crashed... had to stop 300m after the crash site. stopped, snap a pic, and saw some riders leaving, meaning no major injuries... i too, started and left.

from there... i went on to Gothong Jaya and without stopping to Bukit Tinggi where i stopped for a breather at the peak. Headed for office via Karak and Jalan Ampang. Spent abit of time at the car fair before heading to Puchong to meet Abdul and Ron via the new Putrajaya highway. Caught in a 1km rain... kept on riding.. till Puchong. Got home at 1500hrs.
So much.. for a lone ride... sigh....

1 comment:

  1. been quite sumtime since i last heard the phrase "Yee Harr" !
    I got to praise u tho... u write xtremely well with such precise expression, its reli refreshing, exciting and jovial at sum point..
    do hope to get to read ur entry daily. (",)

