Saturday, January 12, 2008

blog? - huh? what?

Blog? heard about it but never make any effort to find out more till now.

How it started? well, last nite, i was looking for something on google and stumble upon a write up by a gentleman that i know... i was amazed at the result it had on me. and thus, i made some efforts to find out more about this e-diary concept.

my research and checking took me here... to Looks simple and straight forward enuf for newbie like me. So, i have decide that this will be point where i wud like to start something new to document and share my thoughts and my experiences. Since am new to tis, hopefully, the learning curve wont be too steep for me to climb. And i sure hope that i'll have the interest to carry this thru for time to come.

Now, i think it's time to save tis up and see how's the end result of my very 1st post.

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